between the city and a library :
The exercise was to design an interface between a library
and the city. The idea of a interface had to be manifested
physically in the form of an architecture. The site could
be anywhere in india and the choice of the site was left to
the designer.
Understanding what an interface is :
‘Interface’ - surface forming common boundary
of two regions; a place or piece of equipment where interaction
occurs between two systems etc. Hence interface here is seen
as a system between two systems one being the library and
the other is the city. The city chosen here is Nasik, and
the site is on the banks of river Godavari.
interface here is seen as a walkway along the rivers edge.
The library being a city library, allows the interface (walkway)
to freely pass through its own system. As observed in the
drawings and the models, there is a web of walkways and passes.
This creats multiple possibilities , making the interface
a public space rather than a controlled private space as normally
a library would demand. The library then becomes an occurance
on the walkway.
The walkway is also a interface between the earth and the
water. An edge to the river. Hence making the library the
interface between the land and the river. Library as observed
overlooks the river. |