architecture and more
professional works
theatre and installations

Library and Offices for Archaeological Studies

Close to the Educational Centre near Mandu, a few ruins have been recently found, which are approx. 1100 years old. The trustees of the Educational Centre have decided that a part of these ruins, a bit isolated from the main body of the complex, should not be allowed to wither away. They have therefore decided thar these ruins should be integrated in a programme of a new building, to be used as library and offfices for the archaeological studies conducted by the centre. They would therefore be a living monument to the past history and the dynamic present.

These ruins are in the form of two detached courts surrounded by a 1.0m thk. walls and openings within the walls, made of stone masonry and heavy stone lintels. These ruins today are in an open field with 0.60m tall grass and weeds and a few trees, as indicated in the drawing, having a slope in land. In one corner of this land are two heavy walls, also in stone masonry, with a right angle. The presense of a few buttresses indicate their nature as retaining walls.

The proposal requires:

1. Two halls, involving the two existing courts. one hall is to be used for the offices of the centre and the other is to be used for a library and exhibition area of the same.

2. The courts could be used for

a. points of entry to the halls. b. as points of transfer connecting the two halls. c. source of light fo r the offices and the library or a combination of the above.

basic desing exercise
studio for an artist
working drawings
making an interface
re-imagining the city centre
phenomenon of layering