basic assumption:
are made of layers. Layers of all possible kinds overlap
to create a image of a the city which is perceivable
by us. Layers of both the physical and the non-physical
converge to form the complex of our cities.
and Objectives:
To dissect the city of Pune in terms of layers.
2. To ivestigate how Tulsibaug ( A particular area in
Pune) has formed a distict layer within the making of
the city of Pune.
3. To identify the sub-layers within this layer of the
markets of Tulsibaug.
4. To attempt at understanding the order within the
making of these layers, which persists in the way the
market spaces are made and the way that they function.
of the thesis:
thesis is mainly divided into three chapters.Chapter
one aims at establishing the main premise of
the thesis. This chapter deals with the phenomenon of
layering in general, its various aspects, and its relationship
with the growth of a city. We try and identify what
a ‘layer’ means in various fields. By doing
this we shall try and understand what a layer in all
together different dimensions could be. Further more
the chapter also deals with the other concepts related
with the phenomenon of layers within the built environment;
and how it is in fact a device, a mechanism used in
different fields to achieve desired results.
Chapter two looks at the city of Pune
as a whole and identifies the apparent layers within
the city. The aim of this chapter is to give an overview
of the city as well as to bring out the characteristic
features of the city. Hence we deal with the house form
of the city, the ‘Wadas’.And also see the
variations within its fabric and the entire morphology
as a whole.
Chapter three deals with the area of
Tulsibaug as a specific case. Within this we concentrate
on one particular street.It aims at establishing the
several layers which play their part in the making of
the markets of Tulsibaug. Here, I have tried to establish
a relationship between the various layers at play. We
shall also classify the layers at play by bringing out
the characteristics of each layer. |